It’s Time To Vote! Teaching Time With Election-Themed Games
The final countdown for the election is here! Are you still looking for a few things to do that fit in with your standards? How about studying analog and digital time with an election-themed game? This 7-page packet does just that!
Students spin the vote spinner that looks like an analog clock and write in the digital time in the correct order from 12:00 to 11:00 on the ballots that look like they’re going into the ballot box.
The 1st student to complete their ballot box or the one with the most times filled in when the timer rings, is the winner.
In the Time To Vote blank analog clock game, run off the template.
Students play with a partner. Children take turns rolling 1st one dice for number times 1-6. iif they roll a 1, they put that number on their clock and then draw a red circle around it. You are covering several math concepts this way.
Students use a red marker or crayon for ODD numbers and a blue one for EVEN numbers. This will make an ABAB pattern around the clock face.
Once students have filled in those times, they get to play with 2 dice. They then add the dice together to get numbers 7-12 covering addition. If you want, you can have them show you the equation on a scrap sheet of paper.
The 1st child to fill in their vote clock, or the one with the most numbers filled in before the timer rings, is the winner.
I have filled in the 12. as an example. When a child rolls a combination of numbers that add up to 12 they can trace the blue circle.
If you want children to make a Vote Clock, so that you can whole group, or individually assess your students, have them cut out their VOTE clock circle and glue it to a paper plate, then poke a hole in the center of the O in vote. Add construction paper hands, or a large and short paper clip attached by a brass brad.
To whole-group assess analog time, choose a quiet student to call out a time. Children manipulate the hands to show the correct time.
When they have positioned the hands, they hold up their clocks. Continue, ‘til all of the times have been called.
The packet also includes traceable digital time cards to the hour and half hour + blank analog clock cards to be filled in as an assessment or skill practice.
These games will help you practice Common Core State Standard: 1.MD.3
Click on the link to view/download the Election Time Packet.
If you are looking for other Election Themed Activitiies like Election Writing prompts, Election buttons-badges-posters, Venn diagrams, graphs & maps, Election math lessons, Election easy readers, or Election word wall words with a dictionary, simply click on the link to go to my Election-themed section. Scroll down and choose the Election lessons you want. I even have a voter registration card and ballot for you to use in your own mock election on Tuesday.
Thank you for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful.
“Our task is not to fix the blame for the past, but to fix the course for the future.” –John F. Kennedy
Teaching Common Core With An Election Theme
This 7-page My Election Easy Reader Booklet packet, will help you teach Common Core State Standards: RF.K1a, RF.K1c, RF.K3c, L.K2a, L.K2b
Students read the simple sentences made up of 14 Dolch words and trace key words, as well as fill in the blanks with their opinions.
Remind students that the first word is capitalized, the end of the sentences have punctuation, there are spaces between the words, they read from left to right and from the top down.
It is also a good idea to do an example, to point out each of these standards as you explain them.
Students cut and glue election-themed pictures to matching numbered shapes. I designed this election easy reader to be only a page long, so it only takes students about 5 minutes to complete and is perfect for a Daily 5 activity.
The Election packet also includes 25 traceable word flashcards + a cover, so students can make an Itty Bitty booklet. I've also included a certificate of praise for students who are able to read the booklet on their own.
You can extend your reading lesson with these traceable word flashcards, which are great for "word work."
Click on the link to view/download the Election Easy Reader Booklet packet.
If you missed the other Election activity articles I’ve blogged about simply scroll down.
If you’re looking for other Election related items, click on the link to go to that section of the shopping cart. Scroll down and choose whatever packets you want.
Be sure and stop back sometime at the end of this week to check for new election items, as I want to do some geared around math.
Thanks for stopping. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find useful.
Do you have an idea or lesson to do with the election you could share with us? I’d enjoy hearing from you. or post a comment here.
“We were not sent into this world to do anything into which we cannot put our heartl” –John Ruskin