behavior checklist

Home-School Connections: Life Made Simpler

“What did you do in school today?” How many times have you asked your own children that question?  How many times have they answered with just a few words, leaving you wondering if they did anything?

On the other side of the coin, are you a teacher that needs a quick checklist so that you can easily communicate with parents of a child who’s on a behavior modification program, so you can let them know what they did and how their conduct was for the day?

behavior checklist, behavior note home, classroom management tips, classroom management ideas, what I did in school today form, what I did in school today checklist, behavior checklist chart, note home to parents checklist, behavior note home to parents, behavior checklist note home to parents, I designed a quick home-school connection chart that’s easy to fill out.  You can simply check the circles, or get more in-depth by jotting down specifics next to the subjects.

I’ve designed one for boys as well as girls.  This form can be filled out by the teacher or by older students.

I hope it makes your life a little easier.  Enjoy!

Click on the link to view/download Today I Did Checklist Chart

Do you have a form that works for you?  I’d enjoy hearing from you. or feel free to leave a comment here, especially if you use an idea of mine.  Thanks in advance for your time. I hope you can pop on over tomorrow for more teaching tips.

Thanks for visiting today.

Feel free to PIN anything you think others might find useful.