storytelling activities,

1-2-3 Come Do More Aesop's Fables Activities With Me

 Last week I blogged about Aesop's "The Tortoise & the Hare" fable. This week I just finished a storytelling slider and wheel craftivities for "The Wind & the Sun". 

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activities My students really enjoy this simple and short genre, which makes the fables perfect for practicing a variety of standards, particularly sequencing and retelling a story. 

“The Wind and the Sun” is the 2nd in my Aesop's Fables series, so if you have a favorite that you’d like me to design a story wheel or slider for, you can drop me an e-mail at:

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesI think that the slider is easier for little ones. However; I've also done the wheels with my Young Fives with great success. 

My kiddos enjoy both, and like making them so much, that they often ask "Do we get to make a storytelling craft with this book?"

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesBecause Aesop’s fables are very short, the wheels have just 4 “pie sections”, making this a simple enough craftivity for preschool children as well;  while teachers of kindergarten and 1st grade students, can prqctice and review fractions, particularly quarters.

There are full color patterns to use for an independent center, as well as a sample to share, plus black & white patterns, so students can make their own. I like giving both options, so that teachers have a choice, as they know what's best for their students' abilities.

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesWhen everyone is done, practice telling “The Wind and the Sun” using the manipulative.
Simply turn the wheel or pull the slider strip, then call on a child to explain what’s happening in that graphic.

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesAfterwards, have students pick a partner and take turns retelling the fable to each other. Sometimes we do this with our older, reading buddies.
This is a quick, easy & fun way to check comprehension as a whole group.

For writing practice, and a different way to check comprehension, have students complete the “Here’s What Happened” writing prompt worksheet, then color it.

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesThere’s also a “What’s the Moral of the Story” worksheet as well. These comprehension checks come in both packets. I switch things up, by using different clip art.

As a real time saver for teachers, I’ve included colorful answer keys for both worksheets, which can also be used as a whole group discussion with younger kiddos.

To further check comprehension, and reinforce the “sequencing a story” standard, I’ve also included a “color, cut & glue” sequencing worksheet.

This too, comes in color as well as black & white, so that you can do the activity independently with older students, as well as a whole group lesson with little ones.

mothers day cupcake card, mother's day cards, mothers day crafts, cupcake activities, momies and muffinsSince Mother's Day is fast approaching, today's FREEBIE is a sweet, Mother's Day cupcake card that flips up.  Click on the link to grab the pattern today.

aesops fables, aesops fables crafts, aesop fables, acticities for aesops fables, the sun and the wind, the wind and the sun, sun activities, wind acticities, mothers day cards, mothers day crafts, sequencing a story activities, retelling a story activities, free mothers day activitiesWell that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. 

Last week here in Michigan, we had an ice storm mixed with snow (What?!), while this week we seemed to have skipped spring and bounced into summer, with temperatures in the high 70's and even a few days in the 80's! 

So it's off to go play in my garden to get it ready for planting next week, that if Mother Nature cooperates.

Wishing you a zippidy-doo-dah day, with plenty of sunshine.

"Your mind is like a garden. Your thoughts are the seeds.  You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds." -Unknown