1-2-3 Come Do A Seuss Craft With Me
It's "March is Reading Month" and Seuss is on the loose!
"You may have heard of Thing 1 and Thng 2. They are a bit silly and a pretty bright blue.
I wonder though, if you've heard of Thing Three. I doubt that you have because that would be me!"
And so begins the introductory poem that I wrote for a super-fun, Seuss inspired, writing prompt craft that I feel confident your students will really enjoy!
An added bonus is that completed Thing 3 projects make an amazing bulletin board.
I’ve included 2 posters for the center of your display.
This is easy-easy “print & go” prep for you, with a lot of bang for your time.
The packet is very versatile so that you can easily diversify your lessons.
Pre K kiddos can make their “Thing 3” and leave it at that, or dictate their answer to one of the writing prompts.
Students can color my Thing 3 pattern, or use the blank-face pattern and draw their own.
I made matching turquoise hair for my example, but for more variety, give children a choice of rainbow bright or neon colors, which make for an especially vibrant display.
You don’t have to, but to make it even more of a keepsake, have students trace one of their hands on a folded sheet of complimentary-colored construction paper, then cut once to make two hands.
Glue them to the sides of the back of Thing 3’s “belly” circle. Bend them a bit forward for some 3D pop.
For beginning or advanced writers, there are 11 writing prompt pages.
Pick your favorite or give children a choice.
Another option is to make a “Things Journal”, doing all of the writing prompts.
Students can create their booklet on one day, then each day afterwards, complete a writing prompt page.
Time constraint? Making & assembling the booklet can be done as a homework assignment, then returned to complete the writing in class.
Finished booklets make a nice keepsake and your “Writing Block” is taken care of for several weeks! Woo hoo.
I’ve found that when students get to share things about themselves, they are excited to get right down to the business of writing.
These interesting prompts not only do that, but they are also thought provoking.
I’ve actually had students who have no clue what they’d like to be, or places they’d like to go. They simply have never really thought about it.
When I tell them “The sky’s the limit” imaginations take flight.
How much you want students to write is up to you; share one “thing” or as many as three per prompt, leaving enough room on the bottom to illustrate one of their thoughts.
I chose 3 examples to go along with the "Thing 3" theme.
Be prepared for some enthusiastic writers to ask if they can list even more “things”!
As a fun way to get to know their classmates better, have a time of sharing when everyone has completed that prompt for the day.
Another booklet option reviews the 5 senses.
You can do this “instead of” the writing prompt pages or in "addition to"; creating a journal that will now last 3 weeks!
Using your five senses to describe things you like seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching, makes for some wonderful descriptive writing too. Remind students to use plenty of adjectives.
As with some of the writing prompts, I’ve included my completed "5 senses" example pages, so that you can quickly & easily make a sample to share.
The student pages include a graphic for each of the 5 senses that they color. Have them illustrate one of their thoughts on the bottom as well.
Today's featured FREEBIE also has a Seuss theme. I designed this word work packet to go along with his book Green Eggs and Ham.
Did you know that Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham on a bet that he couldn’t write a book with fifty or fewer distinct words?
After doing some checking, I discovered that the bet was made in 1960 with Bennett Cerf, the co-founder of Random House, and was for $50. Ironically, even though Seuss wrote Green Eggs and Ham using EXACTLY 50 words, it's been reported that Cerf never paid up.
Green Eggs and Ham ranks in the top 3 best-selling Seuss books, so it's definitely worth reading. I painstakingly found all 50 words in my copy, then alphabetized them in a handy list, as well as on an anchor chart poster. All but 8 of these words, appear on the Dolch word lists (6 of the 8 are nouns; the other six nouns in the story ARE on the Dolch noun word list!)
Use the 50 word cards to play a variety of games like "Speed", Memory Match and "I Have; Who Has?". Students could also pick a partner, and play "Speed" against them, to see who can arrange their set of cards in alphabetical order first. The packet also includes a 2-page tip list of ideas, like Kaboom!
For writing practice, print, laminate and trim the cards. Toss them into a Seuss hat and have students choose 2-3 and incorporate those words in sentences. Remind them to use proper spacing, capitalization and end punctuation.
So that children can practice long and short vowels, I've included two green eggs vowel sorting mats.
For some rhyming practice, run off the two "trace, write and alphabetize" worksheets, which use words that rhyme with Sam and green. All of these activities are perfect for your Daily 5 word work block.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
March has roared in like a lion here in Michigan, so it's time for a cup of hot chamomile tea and a little reading by the fire.
Wishing you a carefree, lamb kind of day.
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather, mixed with a positive attitude." -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Do Some Dr. Seuss Activities With Me
Seuss is on the loose and I'm celebrating with some super-fun Seuss-themed activities. Today's blog features some of my favorite ways to practice standards using a Seuss hat.
First up, word families. The "Stackin' Up Word Families With A Seuss Hat" packet includes 39 word families! Not surprisingly, a lot of these words appear in Dr. Seuss’s stories!
Simply choose the word families that your students are working on.
Use them for a bulletin board display, your word wall, centers, games, assessing and worksheets!
Next up are the "Flipping Over 2D and 3D Shapes!" emergent reader booklets.
Students read the simple sentences, underline the capital letters and add end punctuation.
They trace and write shape words, then trace, color and draw the various shapes.
Gluing the top square to their cat’s hat, then snipping on the lines, creates a "flip the flap" booklet.
I really think it’s important for students to not only be able to identify the various shapes, but pick them out in real life and give examples.
With that in mind, I designed both booklets with graphics of real life things.
When everyone is done, read the booklets together as a whole group, to reinforce concepts of print.
I specifically used lots of Dolch word pronouns for more teachable moments. I’ve also included a graphing extension.
Finally, I created some Seuss-hat, telling analog & digital time to the hour and half hour activities for the "It's Time For Seuss!" packet.
There are dice games, worksheets, an anchor chart, cat clock craftivity, clothespin clip game, sequencing time "Speed" game, pocket chart digital & analog time cards to the hour and half hour, an Itty Bitty Time booklet, praise certificates and an assessment!
The featured FREEBIE today is a Seuss hat writing prompt with a "Seussism" quote poster.
Use the poster to introduce the lesson, then display it in the center of your bulletin board display, surrounded by your students' completed hats.
Simply run off the template. Students write the things that they enjoyed doing the most during their day at school, writing something on each stripe of the cat's hat.
They write their name in the oval on the bottom. Add a school photo for that finishing touch.
Since a lot of teachers decorate with Seuss for back-to-school, I’ve also included a template for that special first day.
Well that's it for today. Time to get busy with Horton and Green Eggs & Ham stuff!
Wishing you a non-crazy, carefree day!
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!" -Dr. Seuss
1-2-3 Come Do Some Cat in the Hat Craftivities With Me
Seuss's birthday is on March 2nd, so my school kicks off our March is Reading Month with a super-fun Cat in the Hat Day.
With that in mind, I designed a plethora of Seuss hat-themed activities. Here are 3 of my kiddos' all-time favorites.
First up is a place value “Cat in the Hat” game. I print and laminate a class set so that we can play a whole-group place value game.
Students take turns calling out a 2 or 3-digit number. Using a dry erase marker, students write the number on the hat brim and then place that many number tiles in the appropriate columns.
This is also a quick and simple way to whole-group assess. When students have filled in their mat, they raise their hand. You can see at a glance who is having difficulty.
The hat and number tiles come in a large, full-page size, as well as a smaller, 2-on-a-page pattern to conserve paper.
I’ve also included a 3D “Cat in the Hat” place value craftivity, that makes an interesting manipulative for an independent center, assessing, or playing a game with a partner.
Next up is a quick, easy and super-fun, Cat's Hat AT Word Family packet, filled with a variety of interesting activities to help practice the at family of words.
The packet includes:
* An at word family poster.
* A “My Cat Pat” emergent reader flip booklet with a full-color teacher’s edition.
* A set of “Pat the Cat” pocket chart cards
*An at family, “Cat in the Hat” slider craftivity, featuring 16 words.
*4 worksheets.
* A “My Itty Bitty Book Of at Family Words” booklet.
* Picture and word cards to use as an independent center.
* You can also use the cards for a Memory Match or “I Have; Who Has?” game.
* I've also included black and white “Trace, Write & Color” puzzle cards, with a matching set in full color for a center activity.
Finally, the next cat hat craftivity is very versatile, as the "Classmate Hat" can be used as a game, independent center, whole group activity, bulletin board, writing prompt or reading log.
There are "brim" options for preschool to 2nd grade, as well as several generic ones to fit whatever.
Besides the “Alphabetize Your Classmates” game, the packet also includes a mini cat hat craftivity, with a variety of brim options for that too.
Students choose to put their hat on a cat pattern, an enlarged photo of themselves, or they can pick a head pattern and draw a face on it.
I’ve included 9 faceless head templates they can pick from, as I find this helps little ones with size, however you can always opt to have children draw their own.
Students color, trim and glue their hat on top of their head. Completed projects make an adorable bulletin board.
I've included a worksheet for alphabetizing practice, plus a "Speed" game challenge, recording sheet.
Since the hat templates are blank, you can also have students write a list of their favorite Seuss books. Older students can put their list in alphabetical order.
Another idea is to “Stack a Hat” using the stripes as a reading log to jot down each book they read during March is Reading Month or the number of pages they’ve read each week.
You can also use the blank hat for a writing prompt of your choice, or have students list the reasons why they like to read, or specifically why they enjoy reading Dr. Seuss books.
Patterns come on a full-page, as well as a smaller, 2-on-a-page size, to save on paper.
The FREEBIE today also features Seuss. It's a set of silly Dr. Seuss songs that I made up. I hope you find them useful.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. As much as I've up-dated, tweaked and designed, I still have a huge "to do" pile sitting on my desk.
So I'm certainly happy that March has 31 days in it, providing more time to cram in some extra-fun spring themes. Wishing you a sunshine-filled day.
"The beautiful spring came; and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." -Harriet Ann Jacobs
1-2-3 Come Count and Flip Stripes With Me!
This Seuss flip hat is a bit more complicated than the money “cent-stional” one that I designed earlier, but it is still a pretty easy project that nails a lot of Standards in a fun way. Common Core State Standards: K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b, K.CC.4c, K.OA.1,K.OA.5, K.CC.6, 1.MD.3
How To Make A Hat:Run off the templates. I’ve made a teacher answer key with the time-consuming parts done, to expedite making a sample to show your students. Because of the cutting. gluing, and assembling, this is a terrific fine motor skill activity.
You can have students either color every other stripe on the front cover flip portion of the hat, in an ABAB pattern, or you can run off the cover template on red construction paper.
Cut the stripes so that one child gets the odd numbers to glue to his white cover, and another child gets the even numbers.
By gluing the stripe to the matching number, you are reinforcing sequencing, one-to-one correspondence, as well as odd or even numbers, plus skip counting by 2’s for the even numbers.
Before assembling, have students fill in the inside of the hat. If you have them use a yellow and green highlighter, you can revisit the science fact that apples come in red, yellow and green. You can also have them color their apples in an ABC color pattern when they get to that portion of the hat.
I used apples for the group/set of things, because it’s a school theme, easily recognizable by students, and is a terrific transition activity, if you read Seuss’s 10 Apples Up On Top to your kiddos.
There is plenty of room to have your students write the numbers in as well. I did this AFTER the tally marks, so that the first column of numbers stays separate from the writing of the numbers, so that the first number does not look like an 11, the next a 22 and so on.
Children draw hands on the clock to the hour. Remind them that the hour hand is shorter than the minute hand.
Making A Hat: Students cut and glue the correct matching dice to the appropriate column.
I purposely used part of the fact family of 5. Counting the dots on the dice and adding them together to = their number, will reinforce yet another Standard.
Students trim their front and back covers, and cut out their hat. I found that it was easier, to fold the edge of the front and back covers and then glue them to the front and back parts of the hat, before cutting the stripes.
This way everything wasn’t flapping all over the place, with the risk of getting torn or completely ripped off. This will also help prevent children from cutting their strips entirely off, if they don’t stop at the dashed line.
My Y5’s often did that because they were simply on a roll and kept cutting. Once students complete their hats, there are all sorts of things you can do with them.
How Can I Use The Hats? They are great for whole group assessing. Call out a number and have students flip to it.
Have them flip all of their even or odd numbers over. As they flip the even numbers, have them count by 2’s. Call out a number and have them flip over all of the numbers that are greater or less than that number.
Call out a time and have them flip to that. Do quick story problems by saying: “Flip to 2:00 o’clock. If 3 hours go by, flip to what time it will be.” Call out 2 numbers, have them flip them and then add or subtract them.
Students can choose a partner and take turns rolling first one dice ‘til they have flipped numbers 1-6 and then add the 2nd dice to roll and flip numbers 7-10. The first one to flip over all of their flaps, or the one who has the most flipped stripes, by the time the timer rings, is the winner.
If you happen to think of more ways to use this number hat, I’d enjoy hearing from you. diane@teachwithme.com, or post a comment here if you like. Click on the link to view/download the I've Got Your Number Dr. Seuss Hat.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful.
“The most precious jewels your arms will ever have around your neck, will be the arms of a child.” -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Pattern With Me!
Whenever I covered patterns, I usually passed out several colored manipulatives like Unifix cubes or patterning blocks, so that my students could complete the patterns and show me one of their own and then name it, such as ABAB, ABCABC, ABBA etc.
I wanted to think of something different to do, as a math center, for Dr. Seuss Week, so I frogged around with a variety of things a child could create with the stripes on a Cat in the Hat hat.
The result is the 10-page packet: Dr. Seuss Hat Patterning
I think your students will enjoy these hands-on activities and game.
They are an easy and fun way to whole-group assess patterning.
Make a class set of the white-hat template, and cut a variety of colored construction paper strips.
Children choose 2 colors. Teacher calls out a pattern and students arrange their stripes to show it. You can see at a glance who needs help.
If you don't want to save the game for next year, when you have completed your assessment, have students glue their stripes to their hat showing their favorite pattern.
There are also several art "craftivities" as well, including my Y5's favorite, which was designing their own Seuss hat.
For little ones, use the pattern that has stripes on it, so that they can simply color it differently than the real cat's hat.
For some great fine motor practice, instead of coloring their hat, have children rip and tear a colored strip of construction paper and then glue the pieces to their hat. Reinforce an ABAB pattern by having them choose only one color.
Use the blank template for older students and encourage them to design a hat with something other than stripes. Click on the link to view/download the Dr. Seuss Hat Patterning Packet.
Thanks for visiting. Feel free to PIN away. Do you have a Dr. Seuss activity you could share with us? I'd enjoy hearing from you: diane@teachwithme.com or post a comment here.
"Fill your house with books, in all of the crannies and all of the nooks!" -Dr. Seuss