question of the day posters

1-2-3 Come Do Question of the Day With Me

Do you do “Question of the Day?”

question of the day activitiesIf not, you’re missing out on a terrific opportunity to reinforce math skills such as graphing, tally marks, greater & less than, as well as counting, and number recognition. All this in less than 5 minutes! Woo Hoo!

Children are eager to give their opinion. Doing so, builds confidence, which leads to self-esteem.

Besides all these advantages, a Question of the Day allows students a fun way to practice writing their name.

When everyone’s name is displayed on the white board, it’s also a way children learn to read and recognize their classmates’ names as well.

question of the day activitiesFor me, the best part, is getting to know each other better through sharing.

With all this in mind I designed a Question of the Day packet.

The packet includes:

question of the day activities* An explanation of how I set up my Question of the Day activities.
* A question mark poster to make a display with.
* Yes and a No posters you can also use in your display

question of the day activities, question of the day posters, 465 yes no questions, list of yes no questions* A Yes/No graphing sheet, which you can use instead of having children write their names on your white board. 

* 5 things I’d say yes to writing prompt
* 5 things I’d say no to writing prompt
* Yes-No I have an opinion trace & write worksheet

question of the day activities, question of the day posters, 465 yes no questions, list of yes no questions, questions for a question of the day * A list of 485 Yes or No questions, so you don’t have to wrack your brain in the morning thinking of something, or wondering if you’ve already asked that question.

Simply run off the pages, laminate & check off the ones you’ve done. (Reuse every year)
question of the day activities, question of the day posters, 465 yes no questions, list of yes no questionsI use a permanent marker, so that my check marks don’t rub off, and then at the end of the year I use a Mr. Clean eraser to rub them off. Works like a charm!

* Finally, a pair of clipboard Tally Worksheets for girls & one for the boys.  I tossed these in to switch things up a bit once in a while, so that students get a hands-on opportunity to practice using tally marks, as well as data collection & analysis.  

A boy & girl is chosen to think up their own question of the day, then armed with a clipboard (my kiddos LOVE carrying around a clipboard) they interview their classmates, record data, then share their findings with the class.

question of the day activities, question of the day posters, 465 yes no questions, list of yes no questionsClick on the link to pop on over to my TpT shop to get this 34-page packet.  It's just $1.95. Question of the Day Packet.

The FREEBIE for today is a Question of the Day Poster.  This one is not included in the packet, but just a little something to get you started. 

question of the day activities, question of the day posters, 465 yes no questions, list of yes no questionsWell that's it for today.  The squirrels are scampering back and forth outside my window; their cheeks are stuffed with acorns.  I wonder if this is a harbinger of winter creeping up on us?

Anyone else out there think that fall should last longer? Wishing you a terrific week.

"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt." -William Allingham