1-2-3 Come Make A Glyph With Me
If you have never made a glyph with your students I highly recommend you give it a go with one of these quick, easy and super-fun fall glyphs.
My latest creations are an apple glyph and scarecrow glyph.
No matter what grade I taught, my students absolutely LOVED making glyphs, which is saying a lot because besides 4th, 6th & 7th grades, I've taught them ALL, beginning with PK all the way up through college freshmen!!
Glyphs are a quick, easy and fun way to practice listening and following directions.
They also provide a "hard copy" to use as proof that a child does or doesn't, which comes in handy during parent-teacher conferences, and selecting the yes or no box on a student's report card.
Completed projects make an adorable bulletin board, as each one will be different.
I've included a colorful glyph poster in both the apple & scarecrow packets, to use for the center of your display.
Glyphs are also an interesting way to get to know your students and build a classroom community, so the apple glyph is wonderful for a back-to-school icebreaker as well.
Both packets include several posters you can show to explain directions, which is particularly helpful for younger children.
To practice data collection & analysis, as well as process of elimination, have students pick a partner and try to figure out which glyph they made.
I’ve designed the glyph directions in such a way, that you can easily tweak them to fit your needs and levels of your kiddos, making things super-simple, or a bit more challenging for older kiddos in order to test their listening skills as well as comprehension.
Be sure and make a sample of your own, so your students can get to know you as well.
After everyone is done with theirs, you can share yours and practice inference by asking them questions.
Last fall I designed a pumpkin glyph you may also want to check out.
All 3 of these glyphs are part of "Diane's Dollar Deals".
Today's featured FREEBIE also has an apple-pumpkin theme.
Just like glyphs, my students really enjoy making Venn diagrams, which are a siimple, quick and fun way to practice comparison and contrast writing. They too make an awesome bulletin board.
This Venn diagram compares apples with pumpkins and is an easy way to reinforce all sorts of science facts.
Children can do these individually or with a partner. If you teach younger kiddos, doing one together in a whole-group setting is beneficial.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
I'm watching 2 of my 9 grandchildren today, so we're going to visit Robinette's Apple Orchard and pumpkin patch.
One of the many reasons why I love fall here in Michigan.
Wishing you a fun-filled day.
"Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadows of your wing." -Psalm 17:8
1-2-3 Come Do Some Quick,Halloween Activities With Me
Halloween happens to be on a Monday this year, so some schools will be celebrating on Friday, others waiting 'til the real day.
Since our party day is Friday, I still wanted to have some quick, easy and educationally fun Halloween-themed activities for Monday, so I whipped together a pumpkin glyph, writing prompt and class book. They are featured on the blog, along with today's FREEBIE.
First up is the pumpkin glyph. No matter what grade I taught, my students absolutely LOVED making glyphs.
They are a quick, easy & interesting way to practice and assess listening and following directions. This pumpkin glyph will also review some 2D shapes as well.
Since this is one of my report card standards, glyphs also provide a "hard copy" to use as proof that a child does or doesn't listen & follow directions.
Completed projects make an adorable bulletin board, as each one will be different!
I've included 2 posters for the center of your glyph display.
Glyphs are also an interesting way to get to know your students. The packet also includes a few posters for explaining things so even PK students can make one.
The "Positive-Negative Writing Prompt Pumpkin" also makes an awesome bulletin board or hallway wall display.
The controversy of Halloween, makes a nice comparison-contrast writing activity, where students list the positive aspects of Halloween that they like, as well as the negative ones that they don't care for.
Whenever I include a bit of hands-on craftiness to a lesson, I instantly have my students' attention; and they can't wait to get down to the business of writing.
So as a topper for their completed October writing prompt, children use an art form fittingly called: "positive-negative" and create a Jack-O-Lantern with my easy-peasy pattern.
To add some variety to your display, I've included 5 writing prompt worksheet options with different Halloween-themed graphics and fonts for your students to choose from.
PK teachers can do this as a whole-group discussion activity, where students give their opinion and you jot down their answers on one of the writing prompt worksheets, then each child can make a positive-negative pumpkin, which can be scattered around the prompt.
Finally, if your kiddos are like mine, they are constantly talking about what costume they are going to wear for Halloween. I take advantage of their excitement and enthusiasm by having them make a costume class book.
They are super-excited to get down to the business of illustrating their own page, which is a great activity for the week of Halloween, or even on party day for something educationally fun to help channel all of that energy.
I’ve included 2, full color cover options to choose from, as well as 3 different page designs. (See PREVIEW).
There’s a black and white pattern for your students, as well as templates in color, so that you can easily make a sample to share to help explain things, then contribute your costume page to the book too.
On party day I snap everyone’s picture, then add their photograph to our book as well.
Class-made books are one of my students’ favorites in our classroom library; they are terrific to share during parent-teacher conferences too. Besides the book, I’ve also included 2 song posters.
I enjoy making up songs to familiar tunes. One is “Trick or Treat” to the tune of “Are You Sleeping Brother John?” the other is “What Costume Will You Wear” to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a collection of tried and true Halloween party games that my students really enjoy. I call the packet "Ready-Set-Ghost!"
Click on the link or photo to grab your copy and let the spooktacular fun begin!
Well that's it for today... Gotta dash, as there are treat bags yet to make for the neighborhood children. We don't have that many, so I like to make something extra special.
Wishing you a very Happy Howling Halloween!
"There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight!" -Unknown
1-2-3 Come Make A Glyph With Me!
I had several requests come in for an apple glyph, so I whipped one together yesterday, for today's FREEBIE. Other fall glyphs I have thus far are: a pumpkin glyph, as well as a scarecrow glyph. To take a peek at all of my free glyphs, click on the link to pop on over to that section of my site.
I LOVED doing glyphs with my kiddo's and they really enjoyed making them. They are a quick, easy and fun way to show if a student is listening and following directions. I did a monthly glyph to practice that life skill, plus provide examples, to show parents at conferences, should they not agree with me that their child does, or does not, listen and follow directions. Because you do glyphs as a whole-group activity, this is a huge time saver, when assessing this standard. They're also an interesting way to find out about your students.
If you extend the activity and have children try and figure out whose glyph belongs to whom, you will be practing data collection, comparing & contrasting, analyzing data, problem-solution etc. All of these are Common Core State Standards.
The apple glyph, has directions based on apple-themed information. I've included a set of sample interview questions students can use to figure out whose glyph they have acquired.
The oval-centered apple is for girls; the circle-centered apple is for boys. I found that if I gave my Y5's some sort of template, they did so much better with their glyph. At the beginning of the year little ones tend to draw small and write big. Some children also have difficulty drawing shapes. A template is a lot less frustrating. Click on the link to view/download the apple glyph.
The pumpkin glyph offers a nice opportunity to review shapes. This glyph is done with construction paper cutouts, so it's a terrific fine motor skill activity as well. There's all sorts of graphing extensions and data collection sheets included. Click on the link to view/print the pumpkin glyph.
The scarecrow glyph, like the apple glyph, starts with an oval for girls and a circle for boys. Remember to make an example of your own to share with your students. They enjoy learning about their teacher. Completed glyphs make wonderful bulletin boards or hallway displays.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN away. If you'd like to take a peek at all of the awesome-educational things that I PIN, click on the heart to the right of the blog.
"A man who cannot wonder, is but a pair of spectackles, behind which there are no eyes." -Thomas Carlyle
Attention-Getting Fall Glyphs!
Glyphs are a quick, easy and fun whole-group listening and following directions tool that can be used for assessments.
During conferences, if you have to prove to parents that their child is not listening and following directions, glyphs are a perfect example to haul out and share.
Since listening and following directions is a standard on most report cards, glyphs are a fun way for students to show you that they can do that.
Completed glyphs also make an interesting bulletin board or hallway border display. By having students write their names on the BACK of their glyph, you can challenge them to try and figure out whose glyph belongs to whom.
Have children interview their classmates, collecting and then analyzing their data, which is also a standard for many. This 18-page packet includes graphing and tally mark extensions, so you can cover these math concepts as well.
The pumpkin glyph is also a nice review of 2D shapes. Click on the link to view/download the pumpkin glyph. If you have a scarecrow theme going on, I think you'll enjoy this cute scarecrow glyph.
My Young Fives LOVED doing glyphs, so I dreamed up one for just about every month. To view other glyphs, click on the link. More Seasonal Glyphs
Thanks for visiting today. Do you have a glyph you could share with us? I'd enjoy hearing from you diane@teachwithme.com or take a moment and leave a comment here.
It's a gorgeous fall day! Outside my office window, I can see some of the trees starting to turn and a few yellow leaves floating in the breeze, as they spiral to the ground, seeming to avoid the busy squirrels scampering willy nilly.
I think it's time for a break. Chloe, my poodle pup, will enjoy a brisk walk too. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have done." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow