pointsettia bulletin board

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A Lovely December Bulletin Board Idea

                                                                                                            Here’s How:

December bulletin boards, December bulletin board ideas, winter bulletin boards, poinsettia bulletin board, Mexican bulletin board, writing bulletin board, December writing prompts, winter bulletin boardsCover your bulletin board with black paper.  If you want to add a 3-D effect, twirl some green crepe paper and use it as a border.

Run off the leaf pattern on green construction paper.  Each student needs two leaves.  One they will add “veins” to with a green marker or crayon.

On the other leaf they will complete the sentence: In December I like to…

December bulletin boards, December bulletin board ideas, poinsettia bulletin board, winter bulletin board, winter bulletin board ideas, writing bulltin board, December writing prompts, Christmas bulletin boards, Christmas bulletin board ideas, Before hand, assemble your students in front of the board and brainstorm things they like to do in December.

Write the list of activities on the board so that children can choose several and compose a sentence that they will write on their second leaf.

Students cut out their leaves and glue them to the back of their poinsettia flower after they have glued it together.

Run off the petal template on red construction paper. Each student will need 12.

December bulletin boards, December bulletin board ideas, winter bulletin boards, winter bulletin board ideas, poinsettia bulletin board, Christmas bulletin board, Christmas bulletin board ideas, writing bulletin board, December writing prompts, This is a lot of cutting for younger students, so you might want them pre-cut and folded by a room helper.  Older students will have no problem.

I think these poinsettias are prettiest when run off on red construction paper, but you could also shrink the pattern and have your students make a smaller white version with less petals as well.

When you scatter both the large red and smaller white blooms on the black background you will have a really striking December bulletin board.

Students rub glue on the folded part of the petal and glue it to another folded part of another petal continuing until they have connected all 12 petals so they have a huge poinsettia flower.


The day before, make gold glitter blobs on yellow construction paper.  Children or a room helper can cut these into circles.

Students make a 3-circle clump and using glue dots, stick it to the center of their poinsettia.

One big yellow pom pom also works well, but I think the glitter is more striking.

Using an Ellison die cut machine, cut letters out for your caption and run it above your bulletin board:  “Our Writing is Blooming!”  “Wishing you a Brrrr-illiant December!”  “A Bouquet of December Thoughts.” “Our Writing Skills Have Blossomed!”


Click on the link to view/print Poinsettia December bulletin board pattern.

Click on the link to view/print History of the Poinsettia.  You can print this off and hang it on or next to your December Bulletin board.

Be sure to check out the other December Bulletin board ideas by scrolling down!

As always, if you have a December bulletin board idea you'd like to share, I'd enjoy hearing from you! diane@teachwithme.com