1-2-3 Come Make Silly Shaped Owls With Me!
Since the Silly Shaped Penguins were such a huge hit in January, I decided to whip together a packet of 2D shape activities using owls.
I love owls, and lately, they seem to be all the rage.
You can quickly make these silly shaped owls and increase your students knOWLedge of shapes, shape words, attributes etc.
These activities make nice Daily 5 Word Work lessons, and will help reinforce Common Core State Standards: K.G.1, K.G.2, K.MD.3, 1.MD.4, 1.G.1
Click on the link to view/download the Silly Shaped Owls packet.
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"I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."
1-2-3 Come Make Some Treat Bags With Me!
If you're looking for a quick and easy treat bag to make to hold some end-of-the year goodies, then I think you'll like these simple and inexpensive owl lunch bags.
If you've already got that covered, they are sweet for the beginning of the school year as well. Simply change the saying to: "Owl" bet we have the best year yet or We're going to gain lots of knOWLedge in kindergarten or whatever grade you're teaching.
If you're looking for an owl puppet, simply glue everything on the bag upside down. Students insert their hand inside the bag.
Here’s How To Make The Owl Treat Bags
Make templates of the pieces using an old file folder.
Trace the template onto one sheet of construction paper and then cut as many as you can.
I used daisy and circle paper punches. A flower petal punch also looks cool for the center of the eyes.
Glue the 2 triangles together.
Glue the 3 piece eyes together.
I added a bit of pizzazz to the black pupil using a dot of white out. It is quick drying and adds “life” to eyes.
Glue the set of triangles to the top-front of a brown paper lunch bag.
Glue the eyes a tad under the base of the triangle.
Fold the beak and glue it to the base of the triangle on top of a section of the eyes. (See photo.)
You can leave the bag plain and dispense with the “Owl miss you” breast piece. Simply write your students’ names on the bag or the saying: “Owl miss you! I hope your summer’s a real hoot.”
If you want to add that bit of flair, run off the breast note and glue it on the middle of the bag.
Open up the bags, line them up and tuck in candy, a book, bookmarks etc. in an assembly line fashion.
If you don’t want students peeking, staple the top shut.
Click on the link to view/download the Owl Treat Bag patterns.
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"A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a quip and worried to death by a frown on the right man's brow." -Charles Brower
1-2-3 Make a Memory Book With Me.
I LOVE owls and that cute little saying: "Owl" miss... (you fill in what) so I designed an end-of-the-school-year packet with an owl theme using that play on words.
I'm posting this a bit early, as there is so much to get done towards the end of the school year, that May was always the month that flew the fastest for me. If you've been contemplating making some sort of memory booklet, hopefully this will help you out.
The packet includes several writing prompts for students to write about what they'll miss.
Run off the cover and student page. Children complete the thought: "Owl" miss... and then illustrate their page.
Collect and collate the pages and bind them into a class book.
When you share the completed story with your students, have each child read their own page.
Make a copy of your school composite and give each child an oval of themselves to glue on the tummy of the owl.
I've also included a note from the teacher if you're looking for just a little something. Tuck it in their backpacks for them to discover when they get home. You can add slits to the page and insert a lollipop if you want.
"I learned a lot of knOWLedge this year. Here's a list of my favorites:" is a simple and quick writing prompt bookmark students can color. This too makes a nice keepsake, and works well for a Daily 5 activity.
There's also a class memory booklet, complete with autograph page, where friends can sign their name on the owl's tummy.
The beauty of this, is that students can work on their memory book writing prompts for several days, finally finishing the last week of school. It's a great "something to do" while you get one-on-one assessing done with your students.
I don't know about your state, but Michigan had the worst winter on record and schools all over have quite a few snow days to make up. My grandsons' last day is June 19th. Having some copy-ready activities to do can help save your sanity.
You can make their memory book even more special, by taking a last week of school photo of each child doing their favorite subject, activity, or at play during recess; and then have them include it somewhere in their booklet.
Click on the link to view/download the Owl Miss School Packet
To take a look at another FREE end-of-the-year memory book click on the link. I've included a cover page for preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade and a generic one to fill in something else.
If you run out of time, you can always send the booklet home for a parent to help their child fill out, especially if they complain: "I'm bored!"
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful. My "pin it" button is at the top.
If you teach preschool or kindergarten and are looking for a graduation memory book FREEBIE, scroll down to the next article to take a look.
"A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings becasue it has a song." -Lou Holtz