1-2-3 Come Review The 5 Senses With Me.
This “play-on-words” ( "My _______ is Sense-sational" ) writing prompt craftivity is a nice review of the 5 senses and definitely has the “Awwwww” factor, as children use their 5 senses to describe their mom, dad, or other special person.
It’s very versatile & something that’s quick, easy & fun for Mother’s Day, or use the blank “fill in” templates for Father’s Day.
These “fill-in-the blank" pattern pages are also perfect if you happen to have a child without a mom, or perhaps a student would like their paper to say “Mum”, “Mommy” or “Ma Ma”.
I made my samples using real answers from children. I hope they bring a smile to your face.
A particular favorite of mine is the answer to the question: "What does your mom smell like?" to which Kaiden replied, "Water cuz she smells good after a shower."
I’m sure the ideas your own students will come up with, will be as sweetly hilarious as well.
Since classrooms today are filled with a lot of diversity, I designed 12 girl & 12 boy head patterns, which offer a nice selection for your students to choose from. There's also a blank template if a child wants to draw their own head.
Instead of drawing a portrait of themselves, another option is for children to draw a picture of their mom or dad.
Students pick one, then add facial features, color it, and finally label their five senses.
Have students pick a partner, and take turns drawing one hand on a folded sheet of construction paper. This way they only have to cut once to get two hands, which they glue to the cover of their card.
For the writing prompt portion of the card, there are 4 girl & 4 boy options, plus a generic bear pattern to choose from.
Students complete the sentences, color & sign their card, stapling the cover to the top.
Younger kiddos can simply dictate their answers to the teacher, a room helper, or their older reading buddy.
Today's featured FREEBIE: "Orange You Glad?" is an end-of-the year treat you can make to give your students on the last day of school.
If you've got that covered, I've also included a pattern for the beginning of the school year as well. I hope you find them useful.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Time to begin my "too long" To Do list... No matter how many things I check off, I seem to always replace them with a dozen more! Wishing you a delightful day.
Definition of a Mother: "A person who does the work of 20 people for free."
1-2-3 Come Make a "Berry" Special Card With Me!
Are you looking for a quick and easy "craftivity" card to say thank you to special volunteers, room helpers, secretaries or perhaps a student teacher?
I think you'll enjoy this "berry" special strawberry, perfect for the end of they year and summery weather.
Run off the cover and inside of the card on red construction paper.
If you are making more than one card for a number of people, have students sign the master first and then run it off.
Include a group photograph to make it even more special.
Choose a student, perhaps the child of your room helper, and trace their hand on a folded sheet of green construction paper.
Cut once and add the 2 "leaf" sprays to the top of the cover.
So that the card flips up, hinge the two strawberries together with a staple.
If this is a gift, you may want to include it with a basket of strawberries that are in season and rather inexpensive at this time.
This card also makes a sweet keepsake card for Mother or Father's Day. Simply have students write Happy Mother's Day or Happy Father's Day on the back of the cover that flips up.
A fun activity to do with your students, is to melt chocolate in a mini crockpot or microwave and have children make chocolate covered strawberries for mom, dad, or those special volunteers.
Click on the link for an easy recipe. Chocolate covered strawberries.
Click on the link to view/download the Volunteer Thank You Card.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful.
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"Be the light that helps others see!" -Unknown