1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Spring Shape Activities With Me
Years ago I drew my first "shapely" animals; and since the penguins were so popular, I continued to design different animals for the various seasons.
Today I'm featuring my newest creation, "Shape Up!" with "Lions & Lambs" packet, along with 3 other popular springtime "shapely critters": chicks, bunnies & frogs.
Whether you're teaching 2D shapes for the first time, or simply looking for a review, these cuties will add some zing to your spring, lion & lamb-themed lessons.
There are 3 crafty options.
Younger students can simply color the lion & lamb-faced worksheet of their choice with no cutting, or draw in their own head on the blank shape, while older kiddos can cut and glue a lion or lamb head to their favorite shape.
There’s a simple “straight-edge” shape pattern for little ones that’s easy to cut, along with a more challenging shape pattern where students cut the lion’s mane and the sheep’s body out for a more realistic look.
Children can glue the lion head to the “shapely” mane, or the lamb head to the “shapely” body of the sheep.
For more pizzazz & to add some 3D pop, students can accordion fold a strip of paper, glue it to the back of the head, so that it ”wiggles”.
The packet also includes posters & games with colorful cards to use as a center activity.
There are black & white patterns so students can make up their own games as well.
There’s also a selection of worksheets, which practice shape words, & attributes, plus a certificate of praise bookmark.
Make a set of your own to use as flashcards, anchor charts, or a “4 Corners” game, (Directions included).
Completed projects make an adorable spring bulletin board or hallway wall display.
I’ve included 2 posters to help enhance your display.
2D shapes included: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid, heart & star.
Another springtime animal in this collection is an adorable baby chick.
The "Slick Chick" packet follows a similar format, but also includes 3D shapes, and an emergent reader booket.
Students read, trace and write the shape word, fill in the shapes to look like chicks; trace the shape and then draw that shape.
They also underline the capital letter and add end punctuation.
The bunny rabbit is certainly a symbol of spring as well. I had a lot of fun designing a cute little face for this "shapely" animal friend.
The 2D shapes are easily recognizable, as they are simply topped off with a pair of bunny ears.
To make them especially cute, I've included a pattern for a ladybug & 3D butterfly to add some extra pizzazz.
The spots on their wings match the bunny's various shapes too.
Finally, many of my teacher friends have a springtime, frog theme going on, as they study life cycles; so perhaps the "Funny Frogs" shape packet works for you.
The format is also similar, but also includes a short “giggle” tale about Ferdinand the frog and Princess Penelope, who was turned into a fly!
Read it as an interesting way to introduce the shape craft, then have older students "flip up the mouth" and write their own "fractured fairy tale" on the frog's "tongue".
There’s a set of discussion questions for the story, as well as a comprehension worksheet.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a whopping 41-page, whimsical"Shapely Mouths" packet, which will help you review, as well as assess 2D shapes and shape words. I hope you find it useful.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
It's a dreary day here in Michigan; rainy, cold & windy. Perfect for snuggling in and reading a good book, or putzing wth my "too long" To Do List.
Wishing you a cozy & cuddly kind of day, filled with all the things you enjoy the most.
"A rainy day is a special gift to readers." -Amy Miles
Will March Go Out Like A Lion Or A Lamb?
The end of March is drawing near and I have some SHEEP and LION activities to help you end the month in a fun way.
-eep and –eap word endings can be confusing for students. Help clear things up by making this “hands-on” sheep slider.
Run off the sheep template on white construction paper and have students jazz them up with wiggle eyes and 2 cotton balls.
If you have students pull apart the cotton balls into a nice fluffy pile, the sheep fleece will look more realistic, be a great fine motor skill and avoid the problem of having students simply glue whole cotton balls to their work.
I’ve included a Trace & Write – Sheep Rhyming ABC Order Worksheet as well as the traceable word cards.
Click on the link to view/download the Sheep Slider Activities.
I never have enough time to cover nursery rhymes as a separate unit, so I plug them in with whatever theme I’m doing, whenever they fit, as an added genre during story time.
Click on the link to view/download 4 sheep nursery rhymes including a nursery rhyme bookmark. I’ve also included YouTube videos that are perfect for Smart Boards.
If you’re looking for some easy readers your students will enjoy:
The Shape Of My Sheep, which reviews the 6 basic shapes.
Where Have All The Sheep Gone? and Where’s The Lion? which reinforce simple subtraction skills. Click on the links to view/download them.
A fun writing extension asks your students “Are you more like a lion or more like a lamb? Why? This March writing prompt is turned into a class book and can be found in March Class Books. Click on the link to view/download it.
Make another class book by having your students guess whether they think that March will go out like a lion or a lamb and complete a page for the book by finishing the prompt, illustrating it and gluing their school picture to the page.
If you'd like to include a "craftivity" with writing, have students make a lion or lamb paper holder and display their work on a bulletin board, before you collate their work into a book.
Keep things simple and merely use construction paper, or make students' work pop and have them add spiral noodles for the lion's mane and pulled cotton for the sheep's fleece.
Adding a pair of funky glasses and wiggle eyes also adds a cute 3D effect. I printed the ones in the picture from Lee Hansen's graphic website where you can download free clip art, paper crafts, and scrapbooking items. Click on the link to check out this interesting site.
There’s a graphing extension included to record the results.
Besides this writing prompt, there is also one that's a great activity after you read the above Mary Had A Little Lamb Nursery Rhyme. Ask students what animal they'd like to bring to school if they could bring any animal. Encourage them to think outside the box and not just think of the usual "show & tell" pet like a puppy or cat. Students complete the sentence with their animal and illustrate the page.
Click on the link to view/download this March Lion or Lamb activity packet.
If you want some spring art activities like a lion and lamb puppet or mask made out of a cereal box, you'll find them in the 133-page Spring Art & Activites book and if you want some quick & easy table top worksheets or centers the 88-page Lion & Lambs unit will certainly have something.
Be sure and pop back tomorrow for more springtime tips.