1-2-3 Come Practice the Alphabet With Me
In a world where even young children have to be assessed, it is no wonder that little ones become apprehensive & a bit worried about doing well.
With that in mind I designed this cute scarecrow that’s holding a big sunflower.
It’s an alphabet wheel and will help make learning to match lowercase letters with their capital counterparts fun.
I’ve included two wheels.
One has the lowercase letters in alphabetical order, while the other one shows them jumbled up, making it a super-fun way to whole group assess.
After students have colored, cut & assembled their scarecrow, call out the letter A.
Students turn the smaller wheel ’til the lowercase letter a matches up. Afterwards, they hold up their scarecrow.
Teachers can see at a glance who is having difficulty. Play continues with another child calling out the next letter.
Add to the fun, by having your kiddos name their scarecrow. Mine is Sebastian.
Since snipping a sunflower can be a bit challenging, I’ve also included an easy-peasy pattern, where students simply cut on the dashed lines.
I use a protractor to poke holes in the center of the circles, then attach with a brass brad.
Besides the scarecrow manipulative, I’ve also included a variety of “color me” worksheets to help practice upper & lowercase letters in quick, easy & fun ways.
These “print & go” activities are great for early finishers, homework, extra help for strugglers or a sub tub.
I've also included an upper & lowercase assessment mat, plus my recording sheets, which you can use for 4 different evaluations. They are super-simple to use & save time filing.
Another fun way that I practice and easily whole group assess upper & owercase letters, is with “I Spy” game sheets.
The same worksheet can be used multiple times and my Young Fives absolutely LOVE playing this game. I’ve included four game sheets in the packet.
There's also a colorful collection of alphabet cards.There's a set for upper, as well as lowercase letters. The shape and size of each set is different, making them perfect for "Memory Match" games.
Use in a variety of games, such as “What’s Missing?” “Flipped” and “Kaboom”. I’ve included a tip list of all sorts of simple ways to use the cards, with directions for the games, which will help make learning especially fun.
There’s also a mini-certificate of praise, which is an easy way to reward your students’ efforts. Patterns come in color as well as black & white, with 8 certificates on a one-page pattern.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a Thanksgiving placemat your students or own children can color.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for popping in.
It's another snow-covered, cold and dreary day.
A fire in our fireplace adds a warm & cozy atmosphere though, making it a great day for designing some turkey crafts. Wishing you a turkey-rific November.
Reflect upon your present blessings---of which every man has many--not on your past misfortunes, of which every man has some. -Charles Dickens
1-2-3 Come Do Some Alphabet & Number Activities With Me
Make learning letters & numbers especially fun with this “something different” packet.
While waiting for “my turn” at the ophthalmology office, I was staring at a framed print of an old-fashioned eye chart, wondering how I could use that in my classroom. The result of that long wait, is this “ABC the letters & numbers” packet, with C (see) being a play-on-words.
It took some time to design the eye charts, so that they not only looked like the “real deal”, but included all of the uppercase letters, so they can be used as a unique teaching tool, plus help practice letter identification & recognition. Easy-peasy for you & fun for your students.
You can use the traditional “E at the top” chart, or the one that says “I Spy!”
Besides the eye charts, the packet also includes a variety of “Eye Spy” alphabet & number worksheets & games, plus 26, mini puzzle glasses, where students match the uppercase letter to the lowercase one, along with 21 matching numeric puzzles, which help practice numbers 0-20, sequencing, subitizing & simple addition.
I’ve also included an assessment mat & recording sheet for both upper & lowercase letters.
A set of upper & lowercase "eyeball" cards, can be used in a variety of activities and games. I've included a 3-page tip list of what you can do with them.
There's also a set of "I Spy My Name" color-me worksheets, if your students are learning to write their names and identify those letters.
There are 4 boys & 4 girl options children can choose from, plus a colorful pattern you can use to quickly & easiy make a sample to share.
About the CHARTS:
My Y5s absolutely love pretending, and talking about what they want to be when they grow up, so “becoming” a real eye doctor is right up their alley.
Print and laminate the eye chart so it can become a part of your pretend play area. I keep a copy in our “doctor kit” tub.
If you don’t have an “imagination station” set up in your classroom as part of your daily routine, that’s fine too, as being able to “play eye doctor” will be even more exciting, as children don’t normally get to have this as a center activity.
Pair up a strong student with a struggler, so that they can each take turns being the patient, as well as the eye doctor. If you have older reading buddies that come in to help with your youngsters, this is also a fun activity for that time slot.
The “doctor” asks the “patient” to read the various lines. My kiddos use a “pencil pointer”, so they are specifically pointing to each letter. Having a pointer is also a “cool tool” and adds to the fun.
Besides the “Partner Pretend” practice game, you can also use the eye chart poster as an alternative assessment tool, where students point to each letter and say it.
The eye chart also works as a fun ”I spy!” worksheet game. Run them off, then choose a student to call out a letter. Children find it and circle it. You can see at a glance who is having difficulty.
Another idea for the eye chart is using it for a “whole group” activity. Using a dry erase marker, have a child come up and circle a letter that you ask for. You could also point to a letter and call on children to tell you what that letter is.
The numbered lines are also helpful, so you can reinforce number recognition as well. i.e. “Please read the letters on line 5” or point to a number and ask the name of it; or “Please show me the number 3”
The chart can also be used for ordinal number practice. “What is the third letter on line 2?” I love it when I can use a visual for more than one thing, and thought you’d appreciate that too.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a versatile "Fan Sailboat Craftivity" that's suitable for the end of the year: “Have fun sailing into summer. I hope it’s fantastic!”, as well as for back-to-school: “Have fun sailing into a new school year. I hope it’s fantastic!”
Inserting a pencil, pen, marker, glow stick or Pixie candy stick for a mast, is an inexpensive little gift you can give your new or departing students as well.
That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
Time to go soak up some sunshine as I water my garden.
Wishing you a carefree day.
"Like a welcome summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air, and you." -Langston Hughes