classroom managent tricks

1-2-3 Come Zip Your Lips With Me

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersMy kiddos LOVE zipping their lips.  Without a word, I hold up my poster paddle. There's a zippered letter Z on one side, and a quiet, zipped-up happy face on the other.  (Glue them back-to-back on a free paint stick).

As soon as my students notice that I'm holding up "Zippy" they silently make the motion of "zipping their lips", then raise their hand.

I can see at a glance who's on board, and even the stragglers get a clue in a few seconds.  It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop!  Woo hoo!

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersAs motivation, at the end of the month pass out the  "I'm a star lip zipper" bookmarks for children to color & collect.  

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersThere's also a star lip zipper poster.  Each month run the star pattern off on a different color. Place these stars under the poster.

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersStudents who are superstar zippers for that month, get to sign their name. 

Attach the smaller star with the month on it, on a corner of the star.

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersI’ve also included zippered-star tokens, that you can print, laminate, trim & pass out to the first 3 students who zipped their lips when you held up Zippy, of for whatever else you deem appropriate.

Teach responsibility, and have children save their tokens 'til they get X amount, and then "cash in" to receive a prize. 

So that you can use them each year, laminate the sheet of 72.

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersclassroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersI've also included a "Quiet please. It's time to zip your lips"  poster, as well as sweet "Shhhh!" poster, that's equally effective for getting students' attention, or reminding them that a particular area in your classroom is a "Quiet Zone".   

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersClick on the link to pop over to my TpT shop. This easy-peasy behavior modification technique is just $2.95.  However, to celebrate back to school, I knocked a dollar off for a limited time. 

As one of my teacher-friends said: "Peace & sanity-saving quiet for $2! I'm all over that." (Thanks Lucinda).

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersHere’s hoping you and your kiddos love this simple, "super-duper-shutter-upper" and that Zippy is as successful for you, as it has been for me. 

I have not forgotten today's featured FREEBIE either. 

It's a "Wisdom From the Classroom" poster, which makes a great writing prompt for older kiddos.  I hope you enjoy it. Click on the link to grab your copy today. 

classroom management activities, classroom management ideas, classroom management tips, behavior modification techniques, behavior modification activities, free school postersIt’s a gorgeous summer afternoon, with much to do, but the warm breeze is calling me, so I’m off to seek some sunshine. 

Wishing you a warm and wonderful day too.

“Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” -Hans Christian Anderson