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1-2-3 Come Practice Ordinal Numbers With Me

This packet is a quick, easy and effective way to review/teach ordinal numbers and patterning at the same time.

ordinal number activities, ordinal number cards, ordinal number word wall cards, ordinal number printables, Students number the objects and then connect the ordinal number word to the themed object, which holds that place in line. They then choose 2-3 crayons/markers and color the items in an ABAB or ABCABC pattern.  

These cards are for possible monthly themes for the fall. September: school busses, leaves, and apples; October: pumpkins, bats and spiders; November: turkeys.

ordinal number activities, ordinal number cards, ordinal number word wall cards, ordinal number printables, I've also included traceable ordinal number word cards, that you can use for a pocket chart or word wall.  You can also run them off for students to trace and write as a mini ordinal number booklet.

Click on the link to view/download the Fall Ordinal Number Packet.

ordinal number activities, ordinal number cards, ordinal number word wall cards, ordinal number printables, Thanks for visiting today.  I blog every day; I hope you can pop back for tomorrow's latest freebie hot off the press.  You may also PIN anything from my site.  If you want to ensure that pinners return to THIS blog article, simply click on the green title at the top.  It will turn black, now click on the "Pin it" button at the very top.  If you'd like to take a look at the awesome educational things I pin, click on the "Follow me!" heart to the right.

"I not only use all of the brains I have, but all I can borrow!" -Woodrow Wilson