1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Shape Activities With Me
Most of my Y5s don’t have any problem learning to identify the 2D shapes, however, when I ask them to find an example of that shape in the “real world” many of them have difficulty, particularly with the "toughies" like a hexagon.
I even had one little guy think that in order to be a "real" hexagon, that shaped item had to be yellow because our hexagon pattern block pieces were that color! Sadly, none of my students could think of a "real world" example of a hexagon either.
Simply "regurgitating" vocabulary when you hold up a colorful paper shape, does not mean your students can point to a kleenex box or ruler and identify it as having a rectangular shape.
With that startling revelation in mind, I knew that I needed some "hands on" things to emerse them in. One idea to get the pentagon and hexagon shapes into their heads, was to toss a soccer ball to them. Easy-peasy for me, super fun for them.
Both those shapes are on the ball, so wherever one of their thumbs landed when they caught it, they identified that shape. A bonus for us, was that "catching and tossing an object" is one of our report card standards. Since we were learning 3D shapes as well, I also had my kiddos say "Sphere!" when they caught the soccer ball. Listen carefully, as some of my students were saying "spear".
Since children really enjoy centers as an interesting way to practice, I designed some quick, easy and fun “I Spy!” 2D Shape Wheels.
I use the full color patterns as independent centers, and have the wheels do double duty, when I need a unique assessment tool. My students can't wait for their turn to show me what they know.
Because it's such a successful activity, I've also included a photo-poster of the soccer ball in both the hexagon & pentagon packets.
Depending on the shape and available clip art, there are 2 - 4 INSIDE wheel options, featuring 12 - 24, different images of 2D-shaped things that children will easily recognize.
There are 4, OUTSIDE pattern options for all of the shapes as well.
Since these are shapes in the "real world" one features a global map of the world: "When you're out and about -- and see a hexagon, give a little shout!"; another "wheel cover" depicts the shape being identified: "Hexagons here; hexagons there; I see hexagons everywhere!" while the final option is an "I spy hexagons!" cover, featuring a boy or girl detective.
I’ve also included black & white templates, so that students can make their own “turn & learn” wheel, further practicing this standard.
Choose your favorite, or give children an option. You could also pick one type for your center, and have children choose from the other options to make their own. If they are like my students they'll be excited.
After everyone has completed their wheel, have students pick a partner and take turns identifying the name of the shape and an example.
Make a wheel or two in class, or send home as a super-fun alternative, to a worksheet for homework.
I've made a wheel craftivity for the following 2D shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, pentagon & octagon.
They are sold individually for just $1.95, or save 40% and buy the bundle, then laminate a set and keep in your math center for years of fun.
Since the end of the school year will be here before you know it, today's featured FREEBIE is a little poem that I had fun revamping; it's entitled: "A-B-C Ya!"
I've included templates in color as well as black and white for PreK-4, PK, Kindergarten & 1st grade, so you can read it to your students, tuck it in a summer packet, or have them color their own and include it in their Memory Books.
I hope you find it useful.
Well that's it for today. Amidst the whirlwind of stuff to get accomplished in our all too busy lives, I hope you can find a bit of time to relax, as you start counting down the days 'til summer,
Wishing you a stress-free day.
"The time to relax is when you don't have time to relax." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Come Make Silly Shaped Owls With Me!
Since the Silly Shaped Penguins were such a huge hit in January, I decided to whip together a packet of 2D shape activities using owls.
I love owls, and lately, they seem to be all the rage.
You can quickly make these silly shaped owls and increase your students knOWLedge of shapes, shape words, attributes etc.
These activities make nice Daily 5 Word Work lessons, and will help reinforce Common Core State Standards: K.G.1, K.G.2, K.MD.3, 1.MD.4, 1.G.1
Click on the link to view/download the Silly Shaped Owls packet.
Thanks for visiting today. Feel free to PIN anything you think others may find helpful.
"I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."
1-2-3 Come Make A Shape Booklet With Me
The Dollar Shapes Up is a fun, quick and easy way to review Common Core State Standards: L.K.2a, L.K.2b, RF.K.3c, L.1.2b, RF.1.1a, K.G.2
Show students a real dollar bill and ask them, "What shape is inside the center of the dollar? Who is the president that is pictured here?"
Tell them that they are going to help shape the dollar up, because the booklet that they will be working on, is all messed up.
The booklet includeds the hexagon, pentagon and octagon shapes. If you don't cover those, simply leave those pages out.
Students trace and write the shape word, trace and draw the shape, circle the capital letters in the sentences and then add the end punctuation.
Children cut and glue the various shapes to their matching one in the booklet.
These shapes are all INSIDE the dollar. As an added activity, run through spatial directions by having students put a shape above, behind, beside, between, under etc. so that you are reviewing that Standard as well.
Click on the link to view/download The Dollar Shapes Up easy reader booklet.
Thanks for visiting today. Do you have a President's Day activity you could share with us? I'd enjoy hearing from you: diane@teachwithme or leave a comment here.
Feel free to PIN anything you think others might find useful.
" People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart that understands." -Unknown