1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Halloween Shape Activities With Me!
Halloween 2D Shape Games, is perfect for your October math centers, table top, early finishers, or a sub tub.
This is a terrific companion to my matching “Spooky Shapes in a Haunted House” booklet, as children practice the same 2D shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle & hexagon.
There are over 20, easy-peasy games & activities!
Do them as a whole group, with partners or as an independent center.
If your students are like mine, they will absolutely LOVE games like “Flip It!”, “Clip It” and “Slap It!”, which makes them perfect for your Halloween party day too.
My young fives actually beg to play “Flip It!” so I tweak it a bit to use a version of this game each month.
Likewise, "Slap it!" is another whole realm of fun, where children use a flyswatter. Again, because they love the game so much, besides the shape cards, I also use letters, numbers, & word cards throughout the year.
Besides practicing 2D shapes, I’ve included activities that help reinforce graphing, making tally marks, patterning, ABC order, as well as “listening & following directions”.
Attributes of the shapes are practiced in “Dump It”, “What Shape is Hiding?”, “Let’s Sort!” and more.
“Where’s the Shape?” Witch Hat game, is a super-fun way to practice & whole group assess the “spatial directions” standard.
Use the “Shape Up!” extension activity, to assess how well your students listen & follow directions, as they create & color their own witch hat, which they later use to play the game.
Another favorite is "Shoe-bie Doobie": “What shape is in the shoe? Please take a peek and give a clue.”
It’s a whole group-circle game, which reviews a variety of standards.
The witch’s shoe is an easy-peasy craftivity, teachers can whip together in just a few minutes.
“Grinning Pumpkins” is another quick, easy & fun whole-group activity, which is a simple way to assess students ability to not only “shape up!” and identify the shapes, but reinforce their listening skills in an interesting way.
Completed projects make a cute bulletin board display, so I’ve included several posters to add some extra pizzazz.
My students also enjoy playing a file folder, cauldron game "Pick it and Put it in the Pot" in our math center.
I know your students will have a great time with these activities, as they are "kid-tested".
Teachers will enjoy the low prep, selection, diversification & the fact that you can use them each year in a variety of ways.
There are two featured FREEBIES today, as they both have to do with shapes. The first is a collection of 2D shape posters; the second is a set of 3D shape posters.
Thanks for stopping by.
Hooray it's a sunny day, so time for a much-needed break to go on a nature walk.
The leaves have just started to change color too, one of the many reasons that autumn is my favorite season.
"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen ad thining what nobody has thought." -Albert von Szent-Gyorgrji
1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Shape Activities With Me
Most of my Y5s don’t have any problem learning to identify the 2D shapes, however, when I ask them to find an example of that shape in the “real world” many of them have difficulty, particularly with the "toughies" like a hexagon.
I even had one little guy think that in order to be a "real" hexagon, that shaped item had to be yellow because our hexagon pattern block pieces were that color! Sadly, none of my students could think of a "real world" example of a hexagon either.
Simply "regurgitating" vocabulary when you hold up a colorful paper shape, does not mean your students can point to a kleenex box or ruler and identify it as having a rectangular shape.
With that startling revelation in mind, I knew that I needed some "hands on" things to emerse them in. One idea to get the pentagon and hexagon shapes into their heads, was to toss a soccer ball to them. Easy-peasy for me, super fun for them.
Both those shapes are on the ball, so wherever one of their thumbs landed when they caught it, they identified that shape. A bonus for us, was that "catching and tossing an object" is one of our report card standards. Since we were learning 3D shapes as well, I also had my kiddos say "Sphere!" when they caught the soccer ball. Listen carefully, as some of my students were saying "spear".
Since children really enjoy centers as an interesting way to practice, I designed some quick, easy and fun “I Spy!” 2D Shape Wheels.
I use the full color patterns as independent centers, and have the wheels do double duty, when I need a unique assessment tool. My students can't wait for their turn to show me what they know.
Because it's such a successful activity, I've also included a photo-poster of the soccer ball in both the hexagon & pentagon packets.
Depending on the shape and available clip art, there are 2 - 4 INSIDE wheel options, featuring 12 - 24, different images of 2D-shaped things that children will easily recognize.
There are 4, OUTSIDE pattern options for all of the shapes as well.
Since these are shapes in the "real world" one features a global map of the world: "When you're out and about -- and see a hexagon, give a little shout!"; another "wheel cover" depicts the shape being identified: "Hexagons here; hexagons there; I see hexagons everywhere!" while the final option is an "I spy hexagons!" cover, featuring a boy or girl detective.
I’ve also included black & white templates, so that students can make their own “turn & learn” wheel, further practicing this standard.
Choose your favorite, or give children an option. You could also pick one type for your center, and have children choose from the other options to make their own. If they are like my students they'll be excited.
After everyone has completed their wheel, have students pick a partner and take turns identifying the name of the shape and an example.
Make a wheel or two in class, or send home as a super-fun alternative, to a worksheet for homework.
I've made a wheel craftivity for the following 2D shapes: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, pentagon & octagon.
They are sold individually for just $1.95, or save 40% and buy the bundle, then laminate a set and keep in your math center for years of fun.
Since the end of the school year will be here before you know it, today's featured FREEBIE is a little poem that I had fun revamping; it's entitled: "A-B-C Ya!"
I've included templates in color as well as black and white for PreK-4, PK, Kindergarten & 1st grade, so you can read it to your students, tuck it in a summer packet, or have them color their own and include it in their Memory Books.
I hope you find it useful.
Well that's it for today. Amidst the whirlwind of stuff to get accomplished in our all too busy lives, I hope you can find a bit of time to relax, as you start counting down the days 'til summer,
Wishing you a stress-free day.
"The time to relax is when you don't have time to relax." -Sydney J. Harris
1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Spring Shape Activities With Me
Years ago I drew my first "shapely" animals; and since the penguins were so popular, I continued to design different animals for the various seasons.
Today I'm featuring my newest creation, "Shape Up!" with "Lions & Lambs" packet, along with 3 other popular springtime "shapely critters": chicks, bunnies & frogs.
Whether you're teaching 2D shapes for the first time, or simply looking for a review, these cuties will add some zing to your spring, lion & lamb-themed lessons.
There are 3 crafty options.
Younger students can simply color the lion & lamb-faced worksheet of their choice with no cutting, or draw in their own head on the blank shape, while older kiddos can cut and glue a lion or lamb head to their favorite shape.
There’s a simple “straight-edge” shape pattern for little ones that’s easy to cut, along with a more challenging shape pattern where students cut the lion’s mane and the sheep’s body out for a more realistic look.
Children can glue the lion head to the “shapely” mane, or the lamb head to the “shapely” body of the sheep.
For more pizzazz & to add some 3D pop, students can accordion fold a strip of paper, glue it to the back of the head, so that it ”wiggles”.
The packet also includes posters & games with colorful cards to use as a center activity.
There are black & white patterns so students can make up their own games as well.
There’s also a selection of worksheets, which practice shape words, & attributes, plus a certificate of praise bookmark.
Make a set of your own to use as flashcards, anchor charts, or a “4 Corners” game, (Directions included).
Completed projects make an adorable spring bulletin board or hallway wall display.
I’ve included 2 posters to help enhance your display.
2D shapes included: circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid, heart & star.
Another springtime animal in this collection is an adorable baby chick.
The "Slick Chick" packet follows a similar format, but also includes 3D shapes, and an emergent reader booket.
Students read, trace and write the shape word, fill in the shapes to look like chicks; trace the shape and then draw that shape.
They also underline the capital letter and add end punctuation.
The bunny rabbit is certainly a symbol of spring as well. I had a lot of fun designing a cute little face for this "shapely" animal friend.
The 2D shapes are easily recognizable, as they are simply topped off with a pair of bunny ears.
To make them especially cute, I've included a pattern for a ladybug & 3D butterfly to add some extra pizzazz.
The spots on their wings match the bunny's various shapes too.
Finally, many of my teacher friends have a springtime, frog theme going on, as they study life cycles; so perhaps the "Funny Frogs" shape packet works for you.
The format is also similar, but also includes a short “giggle” tale about Ferdinand the frog and Princess Penelope, who was turned into a fly!
Read it as an interesting way to introduce the shape craft, then have older students "flip up the mouth" and write their own "fractured fairy tale" on the frog's "tongue".
There’s a set of discussion questions for the story, as well as a comprehension worksheet.
Today's featured FREEBIE is a whopping 41-page, whimsical"Shapely Mouths" packet, which will help you review, as well as assess 2D shapes and shape words. I hope you find it useful.
Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by.
It's a dreary day here in Michigan; rainy, cold & windy. Perfect for snuggling in and reading a good book, or putzing wth my "too long" To Do List.
Wishing you a cozy & cuddly kind of day, filled with all the things you enjoy the most.
"A rainy day is a special gift to readers." -Amy Miles
1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D Shape Activities With Me
Most of my Y5s don’t have any problem learning to identify the 2D shapes, however, when I ask them to find an example of that shape in the “real world” many of them have difficulty.
With that in mind, I designed these quick, easy and fun “I Spy!” Puzzle Pie activities.
Whenever I'm putzing with a project, I test it out on my 4-year-old grandson, to tweak any "glitches" that may occur.
Nothing like "kid-tested & teacher-approved".
He absolutely LOVED putting these together.
Even his 2-year-old sister enjoyed placing pieces on the grid, although she did things willy-nilly.
Each shape packet is sold individually for just a dollar.
There are 14, 2D shapes in all: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid, heart, star, semicircle & crescent!
I had a question whether I would consider bundling all of them into one packet. For sure!
I'm always willing to combine a "collection" of something. This bundle offers a 40% savings from buying each 2D shape puzzle pie packet separately.
Use the full color patterns as an independent center.
Simply print, laminate and trim. I keep the "puzzle parts" for each 2D shape in a large, ZipLock Baggie.
Depending on the shape and clip art available, I’ve included 1-4, “bottom” puzzle grids with matching words, as well as a blank template, so that students can pick and choose, which of the 6-24-different pieces of “real world” 2D shape examples, they want to use to complete the picture puzzle.
For example, I found many more graphics of rectangular-shaped items, so there are 4 puzzles and 24 pieces for the rectangle packet, where as there were a limited number of examples for the hexagon, which has 2 grids and 12 pieces to choose from.
Even though they are not part of my report card standards, I included the rhombus and trapezoid shapes, as my Y5s use pattern block manipulatives for a variety of our math centers, and I wanted them to be familiar with the vocabulary to describe these shapes.
Beginning readers can practice their decoding skills with the word-filled grids, while younger kiddos can simply place the pictures on the blank grids.
You can also use the puzzles as an interesting and fun assessment tool. Choose one or 2 picture pieces for each 2D shape.
Hold one up and ask students to identify what shape they see. This will also check that they are using correct vocabulary as well.
Likewise, ask them to point to a hexagon. This way you know they can identify the shape, but not necessarily remember the name of it.
I also run off an extra set of each of the picture pieces for all of the shapes, to use as a sorting activity. This set is kept in a large ZipLock Baggie.
As a whole-group activity, I also use this bag to pass out several pieces to each child. We sit in a circle and they show one of the picture pieces, tell the name of the shape and what the "real world" object is. "Can we spy anything in our room that is also that shape?"
I’ve also included black & white templates, so that students can make their own puzzles to take home.
The pentagon & hexagon packet also have a volleyball, picture poster. Tossing or rolling a volleyball to your students, is a quick, easy and super fun way to practice those somewhat "toughie" shapes.
I think they're a bit difficult to remember because there really aren't that many examples children see or are familiar with, like squares and circles.
The pentagon packet also includes "irregular" pentagons, as seen with a teabag, pocket or baseball's home plate.
I've also included some interesting information about the "why" home base is an irregular pentagon.
Since March Is Reading Month, and many classrooms are celebrating Seuss, today's featured FREEBIE also helps practice 2D shapes; as well as letters, numbers 0-120, contractions, colors and more.
I used a sand pail for one container, as well a "flip up" container from a 10-pack of Mr. Clean "erasers", which is perfect for the Grinch's "mouth".
LOVE the dry sponges too, as they are perfect for getting permanent marker off laminated name cards, so that I can reuse them each year. Several dishwashing containers like Cascade, also use flip up containers.
Click on the link to grab the jumbo, "Feed The Grinch" packet. I hope you find it useful.
Well that's it for tonight. I usually zip off a blog article during the day, but life happened this morning, with way too much on my plate all day.
Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a stress-free week.
"The greatest weapon against stress, is our ability to choose one thought over another." -William James
1-2-3 Come Do Some 2D & 3D Shape Activities With Me
So that my students are interested and engaged, I’m always looking for different and creative ways for them to practice shapes.
Today's blog showcases my brand new puzzle game, along with the "oldie-but goodie" Lorax craftivity, just in time for a "Celebration of Seuss" for March Is Reading Month coming up.
First up are the 3 & 4-piece puzzles that feature 2D and 3D shapes, their attributes, as well as a “real world” example.
* 2D shapes: circle, semi-circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, pentagon, octagon, rhombus, trapezoid, heart, star, & crescent.
* 3D shapes: sphere, cylinder, cone, cube, pyramid, rectangular prism & triangular prism.
Simply pick which shapes are appropriate for your students, then print the colorful patterns on card stock, laminate and trim.
I’ve also included black and white templates so that students can make their own puzzles.
Children can put them together in an independent puzzle center. To make this a self-correcting activity, number the back of each piece: 1a, 1b, 1c etc.
Make an extra set to be used for a Memory Match or “I Have; Who Has?” game.
i.e. “I have the triangle word piece, who has the shape and “real life” example pieces?”
Students can also sort them into 2D and 3D shapes. I’ve included 2 sorting mats for this.
For a whole group comprehension activity, toss the shape pieces into a container.
* Children choose one and give the attributes. The color-copies have them listed, where as the BW patterns have this section of the puzzle blank.
* Children can give 3 clues about the shape card they are hiding; their classmates guess which shape they think is being described.
* Toss the “real life” picture pieces into a container. Students pick one and tell what shape it is. OR…
* Toss the word pieces into a basket. Children pick one, read the shape word, then draw a picture of that shape on the board.
To practice the “spatial direction” aspect of this standard as a whole group, have children pick a shape piece.
Call out directions for children to follow. i.e “Place your shape above, below, between, on, behind " etc.
You can see at a glance who is having difficulty.
Students can also pick a piece and go on a shape hunt; listing,then totaling up how many items they found in your classroom that are that shape. I’ve included a worksheet for this.
Besides using them as individual puzzle pieces, I designed a variety of covers for both the 3-piece and 4-piece puzzles, so students can make an “Itty Bitty” 2D and/or 3D flip booklet.
These make a fun homework assignment, something for early finishers or struggling kiddos; as well as an interesting lesson for your sub tub.
Next up is "Shapin' Up With The Lorax"; a quick, easy and fun craftivity, with a variety of game options.
It's one of my most popular shape craftivities.
There's also an emergent reader, which practices capitalization and end punctuation too.
I’ve provided both 2D shapes as well as the four, 3D ones.
Make a set to use for a bulletin board display. We always get tons of compliments on ours.
Make an extra set; cut them in half, and use as puzzles for an independent math center and an interesting way to review symmetry.
Play 4-Corner FREEZE; a game that practices a variety of life skills, like listening and following directions, as well as the 2D/3D shape vocabulary, plus recognition, and counting backwards from 10 to 0.
My kiddos absolutely LOVE this game. Easy-peasy for me, and only takes a few minutes, so it’s perfect for the end of the day. I’ve included directions in the packet.
You can also use the Lorax shapes as big flashcards. Hold one up. Children call out what shape it is, along with its attributes, like the number of vertices.
Play “Who’s Missing?” Display a set on the wall. After children leave, take one away. In the morning, children guess which one is missing.
I’ve also included a 2-on-a-one-page template, so children can pick their favorite shape and create their own Lorax.
For a cute keepsake idea, students can use their hand prints as the mustache, and add accordion-folded legs and arms. (Super fine motor practice!)
Have older students write attributes on the back.
There are TWO featured FREEBIES today: a 31-page, 2D-shape poster pack
as well as a 10-page, 3D shape set.
They come in a variety of sizes, so you can use them for anchor charts, a bulletin board, flashcards, centers & games.
I've also included a bookmark of the 2D-basic 6, & 3D-basic 4, which students can tuck in their math journals.
Well that's it for now. Thanks for stopping by.
It's 27 degrees out and snowing, so don't think spring will be along any time soon here in Michigan.
Perfect weather to snuggle in and dream up some spring activities as an escape.
Wishing you a cozy day.
"It's only cold if you're standing still." -Unknown