
25 pages. Common Core State Standards: K.CC.4a, K.CC.4b,K.CC.4c, K.CC.3, K.CC.5, K.CC.7, RF.K.1a, RF.K.1c, RF.K.3c. Practice a variety of skills and standards with this cute 10 frame booklet.

10 pages. Your students will enjoy this hands-on activity that's a fun and easy way to whole-group assess patterning. Includes several art craftivities as well.

12 pages. A little bit of this and that for tabletop activities for President's Day + a crafty bookmark gift you can make your students or use as a center activity.

33 pages. Common Core State Standard: RF.K.2d Includes all sorts of math extensions, including estimation and pattern mats + CVC word candy hearts!

51 pages. Common Core State Math Standard 1.NBT.3 What a fun way to practice a variety of math skills: addition, subtraction, graphing, greater & less than, patterning, measurement, estimation and more.
5 pages. A fun way for students to practice their patterning skills. Afterwards, they can make them disappear! Munch - crunch.
108 pages. Common Core State Math Standard 1.NBT.3, K.MD.3a, K.CC.5a, K.CC.6a You will LOVE this unit because you can do so many things with these manipulatives! Students enjoy playing a variety of games from counting to addition and subtraction + sor
2 pages. Quick and easy center activity. Nice keepsake too!

10 pages A fun addition to your mitten theme and a great extension to go along with the reading of this favorite nursery rhyme.

50 pages Fun winter themed worksheets that help students review a variety of skills.
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